Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Tomorrow I'm piling into a car with Danielle Ellison, Cindy Thomas, and Kate Kaynak and we're heading out to the Berkshires for a writing retreat!  We're meeting Angie Frazier, Amalie Howard, and Kristi Cook there, and we all rented a house. 

I'm pretty excited to meet all of these amazing ladies. I'm also excited to spend some dedicated time writing. I've turned in my revisions for ETHER to my agent, and so while that's temporarily out of my hands, it's nice that I'll have these few days to focus on my next book.

I'm also a little anxious.  What does one do at a retreat? How much sharing will there be? Writing original work has always been a pretty solitary endeavor for me. I will report back when I return, or maybe I'll live blog our snowed-in YA extravaganza.